Prof. Kui Xie
Red Cedar Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Michigan State University Department of Counseling Educational Psychology and Special Education
Short Bio
Dr. Kui Xie is Red Cedar Professor and Chair of Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education at Michigan State University. Previously, he was the Ted and Lois Cyphert Distinguished Professor and director of The Research Laboratory for Digital Learning at at The Ohio State University. Xie research investigates areas related to motivation and engagement in digital learning, K-12 technology integration and teacher professional development, technology intervention and learning environment, learning analytics and research methods. His research has been funded by Institute of Educational Sciences, Ohio Department of Education, Ohio Department of Higher Education, the Spencer Foundation, and various school districts. He has numerous publications in flagship journals in crossover fields of Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Teacher Education, and others. Xie serves as the associate editor for two journals: The Internet and Higher Education and Frontiers in Psychology. He served as a guest editor for Journal of Research on Technology in Education. He also serves as a member of the editorial board of Contemporary Educational Psychology and Journal of Educational Psychology. He serves as senior program chair for American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division C Learning and instruction. Previously, he served as AERA SIG Instructional Technology, SIG Design and Technology, and section chair for Division C Section 3.A. Learning Environments and Section 3.B. Technology-Based Environments. In 2017, Xie received the EHE Distinguished Research Award from The Ohio State University. He also received a Chang Jiang Scholar Award from the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 2021, Xie was identified among the top 2% of scientists worldwide according to the rankings published by Elsevier and Stanford University.