Prof. Gabriele Kaiser
Senior Professor in mathematics education at the University of Hamburg, Germany; Editor-in-chief of ZDM –Mathematics Education
Short Bio
Gabriele Kaiser holds a master’s degree as a teacher for mathematics and humanities for lower and upper secondary level. She completed her doctorate in mathematics education in 1986 with a study on applications and modelling supervised by Werner Blum and Arnold Kirsch. Based on a grant for Postdoctoral Research by the German Research Society (DFG) she undertook her post-doctoral study in pedagogy on international comparative studies at the University of Kassel, which she completed in 1997. Since 1998, she is full professor for mathematics education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hamburg. Her areas of research are empirical studies on teacher education and teachers’ professionalism, modelling and applications in school, international comparative studies, gender and cultural aspects in mathematics education.
From October 2010 until October 2016 she held the position as a Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, being responsible for research, promotion of young researchers and international cooperation.
Since 2005 she serves as Editor-in-chief of ZDM Mathematics Education (formerly Zentralblatt fuer Didaktik der Mathematik), published by Springer.
She is Convenor of the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-13), which took place in July 2016 at the University of Hamburg with 3,500 participants from all over the world.
From 2017 to 2021 she held a professorial fellowship at the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education of the Australian Catholic University (ACU). Currently, she holds an honorary professorship at the Institute.
In July 2019 she was elected as president of the ICMI affiliated study group ‘The International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications’ (ICTMA).
Since 1.4.2021 Gabriele Kaiser has held a senior professorship (until 2027).
Since February 2022 she holds an honorary professorship at the Educational University of Hong Kong.
Since February 2022 she has a 0.2 professorship at Nord University in Norway.
Since October 2022 Gabriele Kaiser is the new Member of the Board of Trustees of the Hamburg Scientific Foundation.