The 2nd Shanghai Forum for Education Excellence (SFEE 2023)

November 2-4, 2023, Shanghai, China


Workshop for School Mental Health Promotion

Host:Center for School Mental Health Promotion, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Time: 2023.11.03 (Friday) 14:00-17:00
Place: Room 134, Chan Suikau Hall, Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District, Shanghai, China


The Center for School Mental Health Promotion is hosting a pre-conference workshop titled "Creating Your Psychological Selfhelp Paradise." The workshop will feature Dr. Dan Li from Shanghai Normal University as the special guest, with Dr. Lingjun Chen, the deputy director of the center and assistant professor, as the speaker, and Dr. Xin Tang, associate professor, as the moderator. The workshop will begin with a general overview of psychological self-help. Participants will then engage in four psychological exercises, including mindful breathing, expressive writing, progressive muscle relaxation, and gratitude journaling. These exercises will work in concert with group discussions and sharing. The workshop will conclude with a series of psychological self-help resources. The duration of the workshop is approximately 3 hours. The workshop aims to help participants learn a range of psychological selfhelp methods, optimize their usual psychological adjustment practices, and experience the benefits of psychological self-help. By doing so, participants can gain richer personal experience so that they will do a better job in self-helping and helping others in the future.

Registration information:
Limit places: 50 (In order of registration)
Fee: free
Registration Now 




Workshop for Educational Big Data and Evaluation

Host: Center for Educational Big Data and Evaluation, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Time: 2023.11.03 (Friday) 14:00-17:00
Place: Room 432, Chan Suikau Hall, Minhang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District, Shanghai, China


The Center for Educational Big Data and Evaluation (CEBE) will host a pre-conference workshop entitled "Understanding Educational Big Data and Quantitative Research Methods". Dr. Jun Xiao, research fellow and Director of the Information and Network Management Center of Shanghai Open University, is invited as a special guest. Dr. Chang Lu, Deputy Director of the CEBE, is the moderator. Dr. Shuai Wang, assistant dean and associate professor, and Ma Yue, lecturer, are the speakers. The workshop will introduce educational big data, empirical research methods and data processing and analysis methods based on different modules. This workshop aims to help students understand quasi-experimental research. Taking the evaluation of open educational resources degrees as an example, the workshop demonstrates the design and analysis of quasi-experimental research. This workshop also aims to help students understand the characteristics of structural equation models and learn confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling and other advanced statistical analysis methods, and understand the underlying mechanism and applications.

Registration information:
Limit places: 50 (In order of registration)
Fee: free
Registration Now 



STEAM Education Workshop

Host: Center for Future Education, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Student Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Time: 2023.11.03 (Friday) 14:00-17:00
Place: Room 303, Building B, Student Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang District, Shanghai, China


This STEAM workshop is a collaborative effort between the School of Education and the Student Innovation Center, with the goal of advancing interdisciplinary practices and communication, dedicated to nurturing future science educators. The workshop invites outstanding educators from both basic and higher education to share their invaluable experiences in STEAM curriculum design and implementation. Furthermore, it will bring together authoritative experts from various universities and experienced educational administrators to provide feedback and guidance. Centered around the cultivation philosophy of STEAM education, the workshop will delve into key aspects such as curriculum design, implementation, assessment, and feedback, presenting attendees with a high-level academic feast of teaching practice and educational research!

Registration information:
Limit places: 50 (In order of registration)
Fee: free
Registration Now 


时间 主题 演讲者
14:00 开幕 主持人:刘妍 上海交通大学教育学院未来教育研究中心 助理教授
14:05-14:20 教育学院与 未来教育研究中心介绍 江丰光 上海交通大学教育学院 副院长 未来教育研究中心 主任
14:20-14:40 学生创新中心介绍 冷春涛 上海交通大学学生创新中心 副研究员
14:40-15:00 交流
15:00-15:15 茶歇
15:15-15:35 K12案例1  曹晶 上海世界外国语小学
15:35-15:55 K12案例2 李晶 张江高科实验小学
15:55-16:15 K12案例3:STEAM课程开发与改进的实践研究-以“Follw me”课程为例 邢蓉 上海市实验学校 
16:15-16:30 研讨与交流 颁发感谢状
16:30 参观学术创新中心
时间 活动内容 环节人物 细节描述 物料
13:30 签到 志愿者 站位,热情 签字簿、签字笔
引领 志愿者 动作标准 指示牌,桌牌
14:00 主持人开场 刘妍 介绍工作坊和嘉宾,高校代表专家和中小学老师 主持人上场音乐,照相摄像
14:05-14:10 开幕 江主任
STEAM介绍 麦克风
14:10-14:15 交大学创特色介绍 冷春涛副教授   麦克风
14:15-15:00 主题分享一:高等教育STEAM 高教教学案例steam 三位案例 汇报与点评每位15分钟
15:15-16:15 主题分享二:K12 STEAM K12案例1分享:K12 15:15-15:35
上海世界外国语小学 曹晶
K12案例2:K12 15:35-15:55
K12案例3:STEAM课程开发与改进的实践研究-以“Follw me”课程为例 15:55-16:15
上海实验学校 邢蓉
16:15-16:30 主持人 研讨与交流
2.上海交通大学 江丰光教授
3.上海交通大学 冷春涛副教授
16:30 主持人 学创中心参观 16:30-17:00 圆满结束/纪念品